
Uklon joins the UN Global Compact

In June 2022, the Ukrainian online car calling service Uklon became a member of the UN Global Compact in Ukraine.

“Joining the UN Global Compact is an important and responsible step for Uklon. This is a real commitment to service users and partners with purpose to create safe and comfortable movement around the city. This is in keeping with the company’s mission, which aims to change the culture of urban life by using technological solutions for everyday challenges. Together, we must join our forces and use the full technological potential of Uklon to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. And I mean not only the impact on the ecological situation in the country, but also the provision of decent work and income for our citizens”, comments Serhiy Smus, co-founder and operational director of Uklon.

Uklon is the first Ukrainian ride-hailing service, which has the largest geographical coverage and availability in 26 cities of Ukraine (during the martial law and temporary occupation, the service was suspended in Kherson and Mariupol). Uklon unites tens of thousands of drivers who together make more than 2 mln trips per month. Currently, more than 500 specialists cooperate with the company. Uklon creates and constantly supports projects that change the country for the better.


Since the beginning of the full-scale war, our service has launched a new class of cars, “Evacuation”, thanks to it, passengers have the opportunity to move around the cities of Ukraine. In addition, the Uklon team developed the “Volunteer” project, which helps volunteers and workers of the city’s critical infrastructure with transportation. Subsequently, the “Charity contribution” option was added to the main screen of Uklon mobile application, which is aimed at supporting the “Volunteer” project. In June 2022, Uklon and the National Police of Ukraine began cooperation to search for missing children, which is important in the context of Russian military aggression against Ukraine. Thus, the company develops and implements among its customers a system of notification about the search for children.


Uklon’s accession to the UN Global Compact contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The main activities chosen by Uklon are:

  • to take measures to combat climate change;
  • to make cities viable and sustainable;
  • to ensure a healthy lifestyle and safe movement;
  • to provide decent working conditions and influence the country’s economic development;

The UN Global Compact network in Ukraine is the official representative of the UN Global Compact network. This is the world’s largest association of responsible business, which calls on companies to build their activities and strategy taking into account the Sustainable Development Goals and on the basis of ten universal principles in the field of human rights, labor protection, environmental protection and anti-corruption.

Uklon and the Olena Pinchuk Foundation are resuming the work of “Mobile Clinics” in the Lviv region

Uklon and the Olena Pinchuk Foundation continue their partnership and restore the project “Mobile clinics for HIV-positive children” in the Lviv region.

“Lviv region has become a new home for many Ukrainians. That is why it is important to continue the work of the project in the region, which sheltered about 1,000 HIV-positive people and children. Some of them registered, others applied for Art-therapy, the timely and continuous administration of which is extremely important for maintaining the immune system of people with HIV. In the most difficult times, our loyal partners, the Uklon online car call service, made it possible to provide high-quality medical and social services to HIV-positive families living in remote settlements and unable to reach the regional center on their own,” says Olga Serdyuk, program director Olena Pinchuk Foundation.

On June 29, as part of the implementation of the project, a multidisciplinary team consisting of a pediatrician, a nurse and a social worker visited HIV-positive children in the city of Horodok and the village of Cherlyany, Lviv region. During the trip, a blood sample was taken for the necessary medical tests, Art-therapy was given, counseling was provided for parents and children who have HIV-positive status, and humanitarian aid was given from the “BT Merezha” Lviv Municipal Corporation.

“Uklon was and remains close to Ukrainians so that everyone can receive timely medical and other assistance regardless of their location or level of wealth. From the first days of the full-scale invasion of Russia through the “Volunteer” project, Uklon and its partners provided medicine to those who needed it. Our convictions are unchanged: business should be close to Ukrainians and help them now. We are grateful to our partner, the Olena Pinchuk Foundation, that with joint efforts we managed to restore the work of the project and not remain aloof from the problem that affects many”, said Serhiy Smus, operations director and co-founder of the online service Uklon.

The project “Mobile clinics for HIV-positive children” uses cars from the online service Uklon, where a pediatrician or infectious disease specialist, a nurse, a social worker and a doctor provide assistance to HIV-positive children and HIV-infected pregnant women in the most remote regions of Ukraine. These are people who cannot receive primary diagnosis, donate blood for research, receive appointments and consultations in receiving therapy, which is necessary for HIV-positive and AIDS patients.

We will remind you that during 2021, five brigades made 72 trips to 78 settlements. 965 children received medical assistance: 591 have confirmed HIV status, 374 children are under monitoring. 120 children with HIV were hospitalized in regional medical centers and the Okhmatdyt National Medical Center.

Uklon research: how Ukrainian regions return to the life

he Ukrainian online-service of car calling reviewed how the lives of Ukrainians are restored through travels with Uklon. Our specialists processed a massive data set to analyze in which cities the positive dynamics of passenger traffic growth is noticeable. They also studied the migration within the country since the beginning of the full-scale war.

In this study, the team of the Ukrainian IT company of Uklon, the developer of the eponymous car call service, analyzed the parameters of the application in the period “until February 24” and up to current moment, including May.

The analysis of passenger user activity revealed that among the cities of central, northern and eastern Ukraine, Kropyvnytskyi (93% of user activity compared to the period before the full-scale war), Chernihiv (82%), Cherkasy (76%), Kamyanske (76%) and the Dnipro (75%).

Chernihiv has shown an active recovery in 59.2 times since the beginning of full-scale Russian aggression. As a result of the Russian occupation of the Chernihiv region, the number of trips made in March decreased. Since the mid-April, growth dynamics began to gain momentum and increased by 82 percentage points till the end of May.

The general picture of the restoration of life in cities shows that central Ukraine is significantly ahead of the south and east in connection with the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into the territory of our country. Uklon has analyzed how the dynamics of growth in the use of the service changed from the beginning of the war till the end of May.

  • Kropyvnytskyi has increased sevenfold – up to 79 percentage points;
  • Kyiv has increased six fold – up to 40 percentage points;
  • Kharkiv has increased fourfold – up to 14 percentage points;
  • Myikolaiv has tripled – up to 25 percentage points.

According to the data based on research of the usage of the Uklon riding application, during the first month of the war Ukrainians most often left Kyiv (59%), Kharkiv (11%) and Dnipro (5%). At the same time, a significant proportion of people moved to the western regions of Ukraine, choosing Lviv (36%), Chernivtsi (6%) and Ivano-Frankivsk (6%).

Migration within the country varies depending on the presence of hostilities in the regions. It is noteworthy that in May, Ukrainians mostly left western Ukraine – Lviv (25%), Ivano-Frankivsk (7%), as well as Kyiv (12%) and dynamically moved to Kyiv (59%), Lviv (8%) and Dnipro (5%). These pre-determined percentages are determined from the total number of internally displaced users of the service.


Life in Kyiv


The level of activity of application usage has increased six fold (by 40%) since the beginning of the full-scale invasion up to the end of May

In March, the largest share of people leaving was from the capital, accounting for 59% of the total number of migrants. In the following months, Kyiv occupied a leading position among the cities from which Ukrainians left: April (17%) and May (12%). So it is noticeable that the number of those who leave the city is decreasing.

Departures of people from the capital as of March and the end of May are also reflected in a decrease in the share of trips to the Central Railway Station (from 9% to 2%).

The return of Ukrainians to the capital is evidenced by the fact that at the end of May the share of migration to Kyiv has reached 59%, while in March these figures were actually 11 times lower.

Uklon and the National Police have started cooperation to search for missing children

The relevant memorandum of cooperation was signed by the Deputy Head of the National Police, the head of the patrol police, Oleksandr Facevych, and Serhii Smus, the operations director and co-founder of the Ukrainian online car calling service Uklon.

As a part of the cooperation, Uklon is starting to develop and implement among its clients a system of notification about the search for children. Detailed information about the search and photo of the child will be shared among service users in the areas where the child was last seen.

The Deputy Head of the National Police, Oleksandr Facevych, emphasized the importance of such an initiative, especially in the context of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine:

“We are doing tremendous work to search for a child, connecting the public, social networks, and mobile operators. But even when one child is not found, it is a very terrible trouble. And such a tool with the use of application, I am sure, will become very effective. Help by public and businesses to find children is very important to us.”

Operations director and co-founder of the online service, Serhiy Smus, noted that the company has enough technical expertise and developed modern solutions for urban infrastructure that can be useful outside of business:

“We are Ukrainian company, and we have been close to Ukrainians for a long time, whatever was happening around. And I am glad for such a partnership. I really want more such common projects to happen in our country. Business can become a strong partner for the state and bring significant benefits to the lives and safety of Ukrainians.”

We emphasize that when it comes to the disappearance of a child, there is no need to delay: the sooner police receive a report about the disappearance, the sooner the child can be returned home.

Uklon launches the international franchise

Ukrainian IT company Uklon, the developer of the eponymous taxi service, is launching a franchise to accelerate the company’s scaling through global expansion into new markets.

The franchise package includes access to “franchise book”, as well as modern Uklon software (Uklon Driver and Uklon Rider applications, flexible CRM models). In addition, the cooperation includes marketing and IT support, consulting support and a unique brand book with a developed identity and the ability of local adaptation.

The stages of launching the franchise:

  • interviews with the franchisee;
  • collection of information about the franchisee from the local market;
  • calculation of the financial model;
  • approval of legal aspects and signing of the contract;
  • localization and adaptation of software;
  • development of marketing strategy;
  • adaptation of instructions and processes for employees;
  • trainings for employees.

As an example of a franchise launch scenario, with an investment of €1 million, operating profit comes in 2.5 years. Such a calculation depends on the specifics of the local market, in particular the population and the average check.

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, the company’s plans to launch a franchise have receded into the background. The main areas of work were the support of the army, volunteers, assistance to Ukrainians with evacuation to other cities and the preservation of the Uklon team.

Currently, Uklon is planning to expand the franchise abroad and is interested in the Baltic States, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and others. It is convinced that the Ukrainian brand Uklon is ready to boldly write its international history, so that the support and assistance to those who need it can only grow.

“I very much hope for the support of our partners in Ukraine and abroad who are interested in the franchise or are ready to share information with potential franchisees. In 12 years, the company has developed a product that has become part of the urban life of many Ukrainians, and we are ready to share the success of our product and become representatives of Ukraine in the arena of international business,” – said Serhiy Smus.

Find more info about the cooperation and terms of the franchise at:

How Uklon helps in wartime

In difficult times, the Ukrainian online car calling service Uklon continues to volunteer and help.

Today, the application has developed “Charity Contributions” option for logistical support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Territory Defence, medical workers and those who need it. To make a donation, on the main screen of the application, you have to click on the “Charity contribution” button and transfer the desired amount of funds. The money received will be directed to #UklonVolonter: a project that helps volunteers and workers of the city’s critical infrastructure with transport.

So far, within the project, 6,019 volunteer trips have been made and 182,000 portions of food, 7,345 kg of products, 10,000 liters of water, 9,440 liters of fuel, hundreds of items of medicines and necessary items have been handed over.

In addition, Uklon opened the opportunity to carry out long-distance transportation by launching a new class of “Evacuation” cars. Now passengers of the service can find a driver to move between cities of Ukraine, previously it was possible to create trips only within one city and region. It is worth noting that the fare for the trip repeats the city fare, except for the cost of a kilometer outside the city, where it doubles.

In the first 4 weeks of operation, a total of 3,526 trips were made. The longest distance covered in one trip was 841 km on the Mykolaiv – Lviv route.

Specialists processed an array of data among the cities where the “Evacuation” class was most often used and analyzed where Ukrainians were leaving and where they were evacuating in the future:

  • from Kyiv, people came to Vinnytsia, Bila Tserkva and Cherkasy;
  • from Lviv to Shegyni checkpoint, Truskavets, Chervonograd and Ivano-Frankivsk;
  • from Mykolaiv – to Odesa and to the Palanka checkpoint;
  • from Kharkiv – to Dnipro and Poltava;
  • from Zaporizhiye – to Dnipro.

Transportation is carried out by drivers cooperating with Uklon. The company also involves third-party drivers, which increases the possibility of evacuating everyone who has the desire. Drivers are also ready to take humanitarian cargo in the opposite direction.

Uklon has been with the Ukrainian army for 8 years. Since 2014, the company regularly helps the Ukrainian army through the “Return Alive” Charity Fund, the annual amount of support reaches one million hryvnias. In February, on the first day of the war, the company transferred UAH 3 million to the “Return Alive” fund and increased monthly payments to UAH 300,000.