Public Offer for Partner
“UKLON UKRAINE” LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, hereinafter referred to as “Uklon”, in the person of director Serhiy Mykolayovych Hryshkov, acting on the basis of the Charter, guided by Art. 633, 634 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, on the one hand, and
any natural or legal person, hereinafter referred to as “Partner Uklon”, who accepts (accepts) this Public Offer to provide access to the online service (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) from another party, collectively referred to as the “Parties” , and each separately – a “Party”, entered into this Agreement on the following:
The information provided in this document is an official offer (public offer) to any person to enter into an Agreement on providing access to the Online Service. The specified Agreement is public in accordance with the provisions of Art. 633 of the Civil Code of Ukraine. This Agreement is also considered an accession agreement within the meaning of Part 1 of Article 634 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the conditions of which are established and posted by Uklon on the Website and which can be concluded only by full and unconditional acceptance (joining) of the Uklon Partner to the proposed Agreement as a whole.
The Agreement establishes the general conditions and procedure according to which the Uklon Partner gets access to the Online Service.
The Uklon partner is considered to have accepted the terms of the Agreement in full, without any restrictions, reservations or exceptions from the moment of its acceptance. Amendments to this Agreement do not imply termination or refusal of the Uklon Partner to access the Online Service.
By entering into the Agreement, the Uklon Partner confirms that he is fully and completely familiar with and agrees with its terms.
The parties understand that access to the Online Service is carried out by downloading a computer program (“Mobile Application”) and using it, as well as by entering relevant data and using the software functions of the Website.
1.1. Uklon is a legal entity under the laws of Ukraine – UKLON UKRAINE LLC, which provides the Uklon Partner with access to the Online Service in accordance with this Agreement.
1.2. Partner Uklon is a natural or legal person who, with the help of the Website and Mobile Application, gets access to the Online Service for the purpose of use in the city of Kyiv and its suburbs . Partner Uklon bears all risks associated with access to the Online Service and its use by any third party who was not authorized to do so.
1.3. Online service “Uklon Driver” (Online Service or Technology Platform) is a technological platform in the form of an interconnected set of computer programs and electronic data in the form of numbers, letters, symbols, images and their combinations (including graphic information, video information, etc. ), which is intended for automated monitoring, collection, processing, distribution, storage, presentation of data about Orders placed on it by Users, automatic calculation of the cost of the Order taking into account the ratio of supply and demand, weather conditions, route and its load, etc. ., and carries out automatic construction of routes and provides data exchange for communication with the User, and provides the Uklon Partner with the opportunity at its own discretion to accept or reject the relevant Orders, publish its location data, provide evaluations to Users and interact with them, use the routes built by the program in real time time, as provided for by the available functionality of the Online Service. The online service is the result of computer programming, which belongs to software products.
1.4. The User is any legally capable natural person over the age of 18 (eighteen) or a legal entity who placed an Order using the “Uklon” Mobile Application or the website:
1.5. Order – the User’s order to receive the Service, structured according to the necessary details.
1.6. Website – a web page on the Internet at the address: uklon. com. u.a. The website is the result of computer programming belonging to software products.
1.7. Mobile Application – a copy of a computer program in the form of a mobile application for iOS, Android mobile devices called “Uklon Driver”, which is provided by Uklon to the Uklon Partner for temporary use (during the term of this Agreement) for the functional purpose of the end user as a tool for obtaining access to the Online Service.
1.8. A public offer is an offer of Uklon, placed on the Website and addressed to an unspecified circle of individuals or legal entities to enter into this Agreement through its Acceptance.
1.9. Acceptance is a full, unconditional and unconditional acceptance by the Obligation Partner of the terms of the Public Offer. By accepting the Public Offer, the Uklon Partner confirms its familiarity with and full, unconditional and final agreement with all the terms of the Agreement, as well as its willingness to join the Agreement.
1.10. Internal balance – a section of the account (personal account) that reflects the amount of money that was paid by the Uklon Partner or third parties on behalf and in the interests of the Uklon Partner to the benefit of Uklon as a preliminary payment for the Uklon Partner’s access to the Online Service or other services provided by Uklon to the Uklon Partner in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
1.11. Services – services for the transportation of passengers by road transport, services for the transportation of passengers by road transport in one direction (joint trip), services for driving the User’s vehicle (“driver” service), courier delivery services and Additional Services provided by Partner Uklon to Users.
1.12. Additional Services – services that can be provided by the Uklon Partner at the request of the User, including, but not limited to: services for starting the engine of the User’s car using a special starting and charging device or by connecting the appropriate starter wires (starter cables) from the discharged car battery (lead-acid rechargeable battery) to the working battery of Uklon Partners’ car (“starter” service), services for pumping up the wheel(s) of the User’s car (“tire inflation” service), other Services.
1.13. The Maximum fee is the reward that Uklon Partner pays to Uklon as a fee for obtaining access to the Online Service. The rate of the Maximum fee and the procedure for its payment are defined in Section 4 of the Agreement. Among using the term the Maximum fee, Uklon may use the term “commission” in its own external and internal communications in line with the established practice (business custom) of using this term among online services similar to the Online Service. At the same time, the very use of the term “commission” to denote the Maximum Reward does not give rise to relations arising from the commission agreement, and does not create rights and/or obligations for Uklon and Uklon Partners in connection with commission/agency relations.
2.1. Under this Agreement, Uklon provides the Uklon Partner with access to the Online Service, which is provided via the Internet on the Website and/or with the help of the Mobile Application for the fee established by this Agreement, in the city of Kyiv and its suburbs.
2.2. Access to the Online Service is provided to the Uklon Partner exclusively for interaction with Uklon for the purpose of processing and executing Orders and automatically building optimal routes, as provided for by the available functionality of the Online Service. At the same time, the Uklon Partner is granted a non-exclusive license to use the Online Service (Technology Platform) and the objects of intellectual property rights included in it, namely their reproduction, in whole or in part, on their own computer and/or mobile device, in one copy on each device, public performance and public display.
2.3. Partner Uklon decides at its own discretion whether to accept or not to accept the Order for execution. In case of acceptance of the Order, the Uklon Partner undertakes to pay to Uklon the fee provided for in this Agreement in accordance with Clause 4 of this Agreement.
2.4. Full and unconditional acceptance of a valid Public Offer in accordance with Article 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine is the fact that the Uklon Partner makes a payment against the fee for obtaining access to the Online Service.
2.5. The moment of Acceptance of a valid Public Offer, defined in clause 2.4 of the Agreement, is considered the moment of conclusion of the Agreement. The contract concluded with the acceptance of a public offer is legally valid in accordance with Article 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine and is equivalent to the contract signed by the parties.
2.6. To gain access to the Online Service, the Uklon Partner registers through the Website or Mobile Application, as a result of which a unique account (personal account) is created, which provides his access to the Online Service.
2.7. When registering, the Uklon Partner is obliged to provide reliable information about himself by filling out the appropriate registration form. In the event that the Uklon Partner provides inaccurate information during registration or later when using access to the Online Service, Uklon has the right to suspend or cancel the operation of the Uklon Partner’s account (registration) without prior notification or obtaining any consent from the Uklon Partner.
2.8. In the event that the actions of the Uklon Partner may lead to a violation of any norms and rules of current legislation, human rights, as well as the possibility of claims against Uklon or the involvement of Uklon in liability for the actions of the Uklon Partner, Uklon has the right to immediately block the actions of the Uklon Partner, and also suspend or cancel the Uklon Partner’s account without prior notice or obtaining any consent from the Uklon Partner.
2.9. During registration in the Online Service, the Uklon Partner must enter a unique password. At the same time, Uklon Partner bears full responsibility for the reliability of the provided password and the protection of its account.
2.10. In the event that a third party gains access to the Uklon Partner’s account, the Uklon Partner must immediately notify Uklon to take appropriate measures, provided that the Uklon Partner can confirm the legitimacy of the account.
2.11. The Uklon partner independently ensures the preservation of information about its passwords, including, but not limited to, registration codes and other confidential information. Uklon is not responsible for the consequences of the Uklon Partner’s loss of confidential information about his/her personal data (login, password, registration code). This provision applies both to the Uklon Partner’s transfer of personal data information to third parties voluntarily, and to the Uklon Partner’s loss of confidential personal data information against his/her will.
2.12. Registration of an account by a Uklon Partner, which is a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (hereinafter referred to as a motor transport company). After concluding a separate agreement, the trucking company can independently register accounts for its employees and/or service providers. In such case, the transport company must ensure that its employees and/or service providers comply with the requirements of this Agreement and any other Uklon terms posted on the Website and agree to act in accordance with their terms and obligations. The trucking company and its employees and/or service providers are jointly and severally liable for any violation committed by such employee and/or service provider.
2.13. Disable an inactive account. In order to avoid inefficient allocation of resources, Uklon has the right to delete (close) the account of the Uklon Partner, if the Uklon Partner does not use the account for 2 (two) consecutive years, including, but not exclusively, does not authorize in the personal account.
3. 1. Obligations of the Uklon Partner:
3. 1. 1. fulfill all accepted Orders;
3. 1. 2. execute the Order exclusively using vehicles that are in proper technical condition, taking into account the period of operation, mileage of the vehicle and seasonality;
3. 1. 3. carry out maintenance of the vehicle with which the Orders are executed;
3. 1. 4. to comply with the rules of passenger transportation, which are defined by the legislation of Ukraine;
3. 1. 5. issue and keep up-to-date all the necessary permit documents, which are defined by the legislation of Ukraine regarding the provision of services for domestic transportation of passengers by passenger cars;
3. 1. 6. not transfer either the right or the possibility of access to the Online Service to third parties;
3. 1. 7. timely and fully pay the fee for obtaining access to the Online Service;
3. 1. 8. to provide Uklon with the necessary information related to the fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement;
3. 1. 9. in the case of refusal without good reason to fulfill the accepted Order, notify Uklon about it. Otherwise, the Agreement may be terminated by Uklon unilaterally;
3. 1. 10. comply with the Standard Requirements for Cooperation posted on the Website under the links Requirements for behavior and communication and Requirements for cars ;
3. 1. 11. during the execution of the Order, do not use mobile applications and navigators that are directly or indirectly controlled by Russian citizens and/or Russian companies, including, but not limited to: “Yandex Maps and Navigator”, “2GIS-accurate offline – maps”, “GPS navigator CityGuide”, “Navitel Navigator”;
3. 1. 12. in case of receiving a notification in the Mobile Application about the need to return the shipment to the User (sender) during the execution of the Order for the provision of courier delivery services, return such shipment to the User;
3. 1. 13. provide services to Users in the national language;
3. 1. 14. broadcast music in the salon only after obtaining the consent of all Users;
3. 1. 15. not to take photos and videos of Users without their consent and not to publish and distribute (not publish) photo and video materials depicting Users without their consent;
3. 1. 16. refrain from personal contacts with Users that are not directly related to the execution of the Order;
3. 1. 17. not to use the personal data of Users, which became known to the Uklon Partner during the execution of the Order, for their own personal purposes or in the interests of third parties;
3.1.18. refrain from placing the following information on the outer surfaces and inner surfaces of the vehicle which is used for Services provision:
(i) advertising and information, the placement (distribution) of which is prohibited by the current legislation of Ukraine, including unfair advertising;
(ii) advertising and information that is posted (distributed) in violation of the current legislation of Ukraine;
(iii) advertising and information related to gambling, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, other smoking products, THP and electronic cigarettes.
3.1.19. Execute the Order for the provision of Additional Services with the help of technical means (including, but not limited to: tools, start cables, devices, etc.) that are in proper technical condition, taking into account the requirements or recommendations of the manufacturers of these technical means for: methods, restrictions or warnings regarding their use, service life, the need and frequency of their maintenance, storage conditions, etc..
3.1.20. At the request of the User, provide information about the Additional Services and the technical means (including their technical characteristics) by which such Services are provided.
3.1.21. During the provision of the Services, ensure compliance with the requirements stipulated by law for the relevant Services (including those related to environmental protection, fire safety, labour protection, safety, etc.)
3.1.22. To independently satisfy the claims of the Users, to be responsible to the Users for the quality of the Services and to independently compensate the Users for losses and/or damages caused by the actions or inaction of the Uklon Partner, including improper provision of the Services. The road transport company and its employees and/or service providers shall be jointly and severally liable for any violation committed by such employee and/or service provider. If the User makes any claims to Uklon related to the provision of the Services, the Uklon Partner shall reimburse Uklon for any and all losses/damages in full that Uklon may incur in connection with the settlement of such claims, including but not limited to any legal costs associated with the assessment of losses/damages and filing claims related to the reimbursement of such losses/damages, legal aid costs, court costs, etc.
3.1.23. To be solely responsible for the quality and safe provision of the Additional Services, compliance with the requirements stipulated by the legislation of Ukraine (including those related to environmental protection, fire safety, labor protection, technical safety, etc.).
3. 2. Rights of the Uklon Partner:
3. 2. 1. access the Online Service and use it in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;
3. 2. 2. to receive from Uklon the necessary clarifications related to the fulfillment of its obligations under this Agreement;
3. 2. 3. in the event that the Uklon Partner discovers during the performance of the courier delivery service items, the transportation and delivery of which is prohibited by the current legislation of Ukraine, to refuse the transportation and delivery of such items;
3. 2. 4. withdraw your consent to the life and health insurance provided by Uklon at any time by sending a corresponding message to the following e-mail address of Uklon: .;
3. 2. 5. use the “SOS” button in case of emergency situations.
3. 3. Responsibilities Tilt:
3. 3. 1. provide the Uklon Partner with the opportunity to access the Online Service from an electronic device (mobile phone, tablet, computer) of the Uklon Partner and the opportunity to register a personal account on the Website;
3. 3. 2. demand compliance by the Uklon Partner with the appropriate level of service to Users in accordance with this Agreement.
3. 4. Tilt rights:
3. 4. 1. check compliance by the Uklon Partner with the terms of this Agreement;
3. 4. 2. to receive payment from the Uklon Partner in accordance with the procedure provided for in this Agreement;
3. 4. 3. in case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the Uklon Partner of the terms of this Agreement, to demand the elimination of violations;
3. 4. 4. refuse the Uklon Partner to conclude this Agreement or terminate it unilaterally without warning in case of non-compliance or violation by the Uklon Partner of this Agreement and/or the Standard Requirements for Cooperation posted on the Website;
3. 4. 5. terminate this Agreement unilaterally or temporarily suspend access to the Online Service without warning in the event that the Uklon Partner commits actions that carry financial and/or reputational risks or other negative consequences for Uklon ;
3. 4. 6. to insure the life and health of the Uklon Partner during the execution of the Order. Insurance is carried out by Uklon at its own expense, the Uklon Partner is not obliged to pay any insurance payments. The choice of insurance company and insurance conditions are determined at the discretion of Uklon, to which the Uklon Partner gives his consent.
4.1. Uklon Partner pays Uklon a fee for providing access to the Online Service. The maximum amount of the fee is (hereinafter – the Maximum fee):
4.1.1. 23% of the cost of the Transportation Services specified in the Order.
4. 2. Payment for access to the Online Service is made by the Uklon Partner through payment terminals or by non-cash payment to the Uklon bank account. The Uklon partner has the right to make an advance payment for providing access to the Online Service.
4.3. The Maximum fee may be changed by Uklon temporarily or permanently depending on various factors at Uklon’s discretion by notifying Uklon Partner in the manner specified in section 5 of this Agreement. Also, depending on certain circumstances (the ratio of supply and demand and/or other specifics of the Order), Uklon reserves the right to reduce the amount of fee that is actually applied to individual Orders. Uklon Partner is informed and consents to the fact that the reduction of the fee is carried out by Uklon without prior notification to Uklon Partner.
4. 4. The Uklon Partner pays Uklon a fee for the provision of maintenance and administration services for the Uklon Partner’s account (personal account) in the Online Service and account deletion (deactivation) services (hereinafter – Administration Services). From the moment the account is deleted, the Administration Services are considered to be properly provided by Uklon and accepted by the Uklon Partner.
4. 5. The Parties agreed that, in case of deletion of the account (personal account), the balance of the advance payment, which is reflected in the Internal Balance of the Uklon Partner as of the date of such deletion, is the cost of the Administration Services provided to the Uklon Partner as agreed by the Parties.
5. 1. This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period and may be terminated by any of the Parties unilaterally with prior notification of the other Party 5 (five) days before the date of termination, unless otherwise provided by the provisions of this Agreement .
5. 2. If within 1 (one) year from the moment of making the last payment for access to the Online Service, the Uklon Partner has not made any further payment, this Agreement shall be deemed terminated. This provision does not deprive the Uklon Partner of the right to contact Uklon for the purpose of concluding a new Agreement in the future.
5. 3. Uklon has the right to unilaterally change or update the terms of this Agreement at any time, including by approving a new version of the Agreement. All changes in this Agreement, including those set forth in the updated version of the Agreement, enter into force from the date of the revision of the Agreement, which is indicated at the end of the text of the Agreement.
5. 4. Uklon notifies about amendments to the Agreement by sending a corresponding notification to the Uklon Partner by means of communication indicated by the Uklon Partner during registration, and by publishing the amended or updated version of the Agreement on the Website. The moment when the Uklon Partner becomes familiar with the published information is considered the moment when the information became available to the Uklon Partner in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
5. 5. Any changes to the Agreement from the moment it enters into force apply to all persons who joined the Agreement, including those who joined the Agreement before the date of entry into force of the changes to the Agreement.
5. 6. Amendments to the Agreement, published by Uklon in the manner prescribed by this Agreement, become effective from the moment of publication of the amendments to the Agreement or the publication of the updated version of the Agreement. In this regard, the Uklon Partner is suggested to periodically review the current version of the Agreement, in particular, on the Website.
5.7. Detailed information on the deletion of a unique account (personal account) by the Uklon Partner is indicated on a separate page of the Website, which is freely accessible
6. 1. The Parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations, provisions or conditions of this Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement.
6. 2. In the event that the Uklon Partner has violated its obligations to make any payments under the Agreement, Uklon has the right to demand from the Uklon Partner, and the latter undertakes within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of receipt from Uklon of the corresponding notice of payment, to pay to Uklon a penalty in the amount of double the accounting rate of the National Bank of Ukraine on the overdue amount for each day of overdue.
6. 3. If the Uklon Partner violates its obligations to make payments under the Agreement, Uklon has the right to terminate the Uklon Partner’s access to the Online Service without warning.
6. 4. Termination of access to the Online Service Uklon due to the reasons specified in Clause 6. 3 of the Agreement does not release the Partner Uklon from the fulfillment of obligations that arose before such termination of access to the Online Service, as well as payment of penalties for benefit Tilt.
6. 5. In case of termination of access to the Online Service in accordance with clauses 6. 3, 6. 4 of this Agreement, in order to renew the provision of such access, the Uklon Partner must pay the cost of access to the Online Service and the Uklon fee in full. If the Uklon Partner does not wish to renew access to the Online Service within 5 (five) calendar days from the date of termination of such access, Uklon has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement.
6. 6. In case of cancellation by the Uklon Partner of accepted Orders, Uklon may apply the following measures of influence: the first cancellation – a warning, the second cancellation – a fine of UAH 50.00, the third cancellation or more – a fine of UAH 100 for each cancellation, cancellation of orders to Boryspil airport and/or in the opposite direction — a fine of UAH 300 for each case of cancellation.
6. 7. In the event that the Uklon Partner makes unjustified and/or false presses of the “SOS” button, which is intended exclusively for emergency situations during the execution of Orders, Uklon applies the following measures of influence: the first false call – a warning, the second false call – a fine in the amount 50.00 hryvnias, the third summons or more — a fine in the amount of 100.00 hryvnias for each case.
6. 8. If the Uklon Partner increases the cost of the service specified in the Order, Uklon has the right to charge the Uklon Partner a fine equal to the amount of the excess of the cost of the service specified in the Order.
6. 9. In case of damage caused to Uklon, as a result of a violation by the Uklon Partner and/or the persons involved by them of the documents Requirements for behavior and communication and Requirements for cars posted on the Website , the Uklon Partner shall pay a fine of up to UAH 100,000.00 at the request of Uklon .
6. 10. Uklon is not obliged to pay the Uklon Partner the value of the Order specified for the User, if the payment did not take place because the User’s bank card or other payment was canceled or did not go through for other reasons. In this case, Uklon can help the Uklon Partner to request the appropriate amount of the Order from the User and help in communication with the User regarding debt repayment. In any case, regardless of the provisions of this paragraph, Uklon is not a party to the contract for the provision of services concluded between the Uklon Partner and the User.
6. 11. All complaints and claims that arise in any relation to the services are accepted and considered with the help of Uklon service (information) support. In case, based on the results of consideration of complaints and claims of Users, it turns out that the Uklon Partner is guilty of the quality of the services provided, the Uklon Partner bears full responsibility for the violation of the quality of services that arose due to its fault.
7. 1. None of the parties shall be liable for non-performance or improper performance of its duties, if such non-performance or improper performance is caused by the occurrence of force majeure circumstances major
7. 2. To force force majeure includes, but is not limited to: (1) fire, flood, earthquake, explosion, storm, landslide, epidemic and other natural phenomena and natural disasters; (2) as well as military actions, strikes, disruptions in the operation of payment systems and telecommunication networks, the adoption of a decision by a state authority or local self-government body that made the proper execution of this Agreement impossible, etc.
8.1. All issues related to the collection, use, processing and protection and otherwise processing of the personal data of the Uklon Partner are regulated by a separate Regulation on the processing and protection of personal data, which is posted on the Website and in the Mobile Application.
9. 1. This Agreement is freely available on the Website. The Agreement enters into force for Uklon from the moment of its publication on the Website, for the Uklon Partner from the moment of its Acceptance, taking into account the provisions of Clause 5. 5. of the Agreement.
9. 2. The contract can be concluded with any natural person who has reached the age of majority and has full legal capacity. The contract can be concluded with any legal entity created in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, any other state or international norms.
9. 3. The place of conclusion of this Agreement is the location of Uklon.
9. 4. In cases not provided for by this Agreement, the Parties shall be governed by the current legislation of Ukraine.
9.5. By accepting the execution of the Order, according to which the User has chosen a non-cash method of payment for the Services, the Uklon Partner thereby confirms that he has read and accepts the conditions (public contracts) on the provision of funds transfer services without opening an account for Uklon Partners, publicly offered by the payment institutions that provide the service relevant payment transactions. The partner has the opportunity to familiarize himself with the conditions (public contracts) on the provision of funds transfer services without opening an account on the official websites of the relevant payment
institutions, namely:
9.5.1. With the terms of providing funds transfer services without opening an account, which are provided to Users by PROFITGID LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY – on the website /;
9.5.2. With the conditions of providing funds transfer services without opening an account, which are provided to Uklon Partners by UNIVERSAL PAYMENT SOLUTIONS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY – on the website .
9.6. Payment of the cost of Services or other payments by Users and their payments in favor of Uklon Partners are made through the payment systems involved by Uklon.
9.7. Any disputes and disagreements arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or its conclusion, execution or termination shall be resolved through negotiations between the Parties. If the Parties cannot settle the dispute through negotiations within 30 (thirty) calendar days after one of the Parties has notified the other Party in writing of the occurrence of such a dispute or disagreement, then such a dispute shall be resolved in a court of law under the jurisdiction and jurisdiction established by the legislation of Ukraine.
9.8. The Uklon partner is obliged to maintain the means by which the transportation Services are provided and all the equipment and facilities necessary for the performance of the Services and access to the Online Service in good condition. The Uklon Partner is responsible for paying all costs incurred by him/her in the provision of the Services, fuel costs, cost of mobile tariff plans, customs duties, vehicle depreciation, insurance, relevant income taxes, corporate taxes or personal income taxes , etc.
9.9. If, during the provision of transportation Services, any of the Users negligently damaged the vehicle or its equipment (among other things, damaged or polluted the vehicle or caused a stench in the vehicle), Partner Uklon has the right to demand compensation from the User for any damages. At the same time, Uklon does not guarantee reimbursement of such damages by the User and does not bear any responsibility for direct or indirect damages/expenses related to the cleaning or maintenance of the vehicle caused by the actions of the Users.
9.10. The Uklon Partner undertakes to comply with all tax obligations arising for the Uklon Partner in connection with the provision of the Services, including (i) payment of personal income tax, military duty or any other applicable tax; (ii) a single social contribution to mandatory state social insurance or other similar payment for yourself and/or for your employees as required by law and (iii) fulfillment of all obligations regarding registration and/or registration of the Uklon Partner and/ or employees of the Uklon Partner and/or tax registration for calculations and transfers to the relevant budget and/or to the relevant account, as required by current legislation.
9.11. If the tax authority requests Uklon to provide information regarding the Uklon Partner’s activities, Uklon has the right to provide the tax authority with any and all information it has about the Uklon Partner’s activities to the extent required by law. Partner Uklon is obliged to comply with all current tax regulations that may be applied in connection with the provision of Transportation Services. The Uklon Partner undertakes to compensate Uklon for any and all taxes, contributions, state fees, payments, fines or other mandatory payments or obligations that Uklon incurs in connection with the failure of the Uklon Partner to fulfill its obligations arising from the applicable tax regulations (including the obligation to pay personal income tax, military duty and the single social contribution to the mandatory state social insurance or any other applicable mandatory payment).
9.12. This Agreement does not establish any other legal relations (including labor relations) between the Parties and/or with any third parties than those established by this Agreement.
9.13. If any provision or condition of this Agreement is found to be invalid or not statute-barred, all other terms and conditions shall remain valid and statute-barred. All such invalid or non-time-barred provisions shall be amended to be valid, time-barred and reflect the intent of the parties.
9.14. The database formed as a result of the provision of Uklon services is the exclusive property of Uklon, and the Uklon Partner does not have any rights or powers in relation to it, including the registration of the database in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
9.15 This Agreement is drawn up in the Ukrainian language, but is provided for viewing in Russian and English. In the event of a discrepancy between the original version of the Agreement in the Ukrainian language and the version of the Agreement in another language, the provisions of the original version of the Agreement in the Ukrainian language shall apply in this case.
04073, Kyiv, pr-t. S. Bandery, bldg. 20B
EDRPOU code 44293344
IBAN: UA973006140000026000500496156
TIN 442933426546
Tel. +380931771511
Published on February 03, 2025